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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

20th July (Sunday). =D


it was on our WWW day outing i had the "run away bride" dream. heh.
And i woke up without finishing it. damn. -_- haha!
And yes, i'll update on the WWW soon, draft in progress. LoL

The story about my wedding dream.
i am a run away bride!wahahhaha!

it started with me being brought to shopping with friends and family.
After which i was brought to this location. No idea where, where i had a sudden surprise.A damn shocking one for me till i knew not how to react.
On the way reaching the place, i saw this sign which tells that there's a wedding going on.
And it my name on it!! That's when i found out i was to wed. -_-
Don't ask me to whom i was going to wed to. i have zero idea. Didn't notice the name either. Cos all i remember was being totally lost and whisked here and there. While i was too stunned to react for quite a while.LoL

what kind of wedding takes place when the bride has zero idea she was bout to be tied down?
gay la!

And so, as the drama unfolds, the man i was supposed to wed had planned this as a surprise for me. (okay, yes i did see the guy face, ya la quite okay looking. Not very handsome nor very ugly. Averagely good looking i would say. LoL. but i have no idea who , definitely not anyone i know of. But in that drama, i know him for sure and there's love in the relationship. haha!)

However, the wedding showed me how much of a huge male ego he had by planning a wedding without my knowledge! Wedding involves two people, not just one idiotic male ego who thought i would love the idea of getting married impromptu ! And it appears everyone was in on the secret Except ME!

And bloody hell when i found that out all that was going on, the guest list every damn thing and all. i was Damn bloody angry!

Who wouldn't? Finding out you getting married on the day itself. That's one.
Means you don't get to plan what you would like your wedding to be like.
Two, the guest list, mainly from his side.
and only some of my family. -_-
What the hell? What about my friends and extended family etc?!?!?
Three. everyone was happy for me and congratulating me and telling me how bloody lucky i was.
Huh??? What the??

A marriage takes two bloody hands to clap. not one to hold the reins and decide everything. Damn, i was pissed.
And there he was in front of everyone with that blissful look and literally no one understood how i was feeling.
There i was dressed in a wedding dress in full make up gear and prettified.
He however was entertaining guests. I was literally being whisked about everywhere from dressing up and everything despite my protests and inability to react much before getting the full picture of what's going on.

Damn. It felt like i was a toy and i was un-important. And he was having a wild time and a great show of his love. Something like that.
It was like tat sex and the city movie moment when that guy didn't turn up for his wedding.
That very same feeling of unsureness etc.

With that, i couldn't take it no more, and made an excuse to be away, i picked the ends on my dress and ran literally.

Either someone noticed or he finally noticed that i was no longer in his sight and was running away .
Or that he noticed how distress and lost and freaked out i was but just hadn't came over to explain himself yet. And noticed that i ran off.

i have no idea how i ran that fast where no one managed to catch up with me cept him. Perhaps cos he has long legs. haha!
Geez. i didn't know i could run that fast. LoL. it would be damn useful for 2.4Km run last time. haha

i remember he grabbed me from behind, while i screamed for him to let me loose.
The next thing i knew, i was facing him and smacking my guts all over him. whacking his chest and giving him slaps and yelling all my opinions at his face while tears rolled down my eyes.
I only remember being really freaked out.

I don't remember what he told me though in between of my screams cos i never heard them. I was literally giving him a piece of my mind about everything. how my best friends are not around, and its a bloody wedding for goodness sake! Don't my opinions count?? And many more.

It was like this exciting part where it was going to show how this drama was going to end.

With one last slap.. ..

i .. .. .. .. ..

WOKE UP! Damn it.
My alarm haven even rung yet! and its Sunday! i can sleep in all the way till noon.
But i had to wake up at that moment!!!!

crap. i had wanted to know how the story will end. how he will pacify me. Whether the wedding was cancelled or not.
The ending of this drama! damn. i would never know,. Because i can't be like yin yin who can do the to be continued dreams.

What a bummer. hahaha!
Machiam like writing a story and didn't get to finish it with the most exciting part. i was just thinking how this could be a good idea for narrative story for secondary composition exams. Hur. Unexpected endings is good for getting marks lei.

Dramatic seh. what a dream!

11:45 AM

Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday my sweets!
Glad i could make it there yesterday =)) Photos (i hope dun few years then can take ah. lol)


This portion of the post is dedicated to My beloved Jie Yin.

i went to buy breakfast this morning, and was deciding what to get when..

Uncle( sees me and immediately) : how many pcs of siew mai?

Auntie (laughs) : you have siew mai written on your face.

Reason being, i bought siew mai for breakfast quite often whenever i go get breakfast. Hur.
And so i told jy what happened and she went calling me Ms Siew Mai and decided that all i ever think about is food. lol

And now. This is to get back at her. To irritate her yet again. Hahahahahha!

bbfreak says:
bud if nv wk better siaz
haha wah sianz
sun got driving lesson
abit sianz abt it liao haha
juz wanna faster settled it
e onli motivation i hv for sun is dat
aft the lesson i can go amk buy my fav carrot cake

and oh , after 7th mth we can pick sat go swimming
haha wan aNot?

(F) Blur Queen (F) .needs a bloody solution to the damm sensitive nose allergy.. says:
Cannnn sure love it hahaha

bbfreak says:
we go bedok wan
den i can go dere eat my fav carrot cake

MS CARROT CAKE. you also think about food what. and the motivation to do stuff after that so you can go have the carrot cake.

Humph. seee now you dare keep say me always thinking bout food. You also okay!

welcome to the food paradise. lol. i think you been hanging out with us too often till now you also gotten influenced bout the way we talk and the stuff we do/think also. wahhahaha!
welcome to our world! ;)

Let's see. i got Jess into spree-ing with me as well. Huda is like so wanting to also once she starts working. And Tee yan, and few others as well.Jie yin is starting to talk and think like me in some ways at times. Gale always remember every single thing i say, and decides that i'm her shopping adviser and financial adviser during our shopping trips, etc etc etc. and many more.

WHA seh. I am influential seh!


And jie Yin even dreams of me and jess lei. lol. she told me we defeated a monster together.

a mirror!! -_-

her dreams are .. erm... creative lei. mirrors can kill monster. lol

her dreams can to be continued one if never end. pro seh.
whenever i dream, mine usually never have an ending.

one memorable dream i had recently was that i ran away from my own wedding.
LoL. gay.
i have no idea how it ends. because i woke up. Damm.
like drama lei. but i have no idea who that guy was. not anyone i know in real life.

maybe one day when i utterly bored i'll blog bout the details of that run away bride aka. me. lol. i still remember lei. usually i don't. but guess this one's too dramatic so cannot forget. hahahahaha!



talking to huda, and she wants to shit.
few times liao lei.. i chatting with her and then she tells me she wants to do big business
and this time of the day is Not her usual business time lei. hahahaha
so.... meaning to say..

amy makes huda shit!! whahahahhaha!

i am THAT influential lei.

ok. gay i know. but who cares!

11:19 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


another typical day at the office. however quite a busy and problematic one.
However, receiving one call certainly made my day.

Here's how the conversation went.
Have a short laugh. Enjoy.

I answered a call and this guy was looking for my colleague, Anne.
And so i transferred the call over. However she was on another line. Thus i retrieved back the call and told the caller.. ..

Me: hi, sorry, her line is engaged.

Guy (sounded in utter amazement and shock at the same time): huh? Anne is engaged??? She is MARRIED?!?!?!?

Me(stunned and nearly burst laughing out Loud) : eh?!?! NO! i was saying.. Her LINE is engaged. she is On another Line!

Guy ( in utter silence for a couple of seconds) : Oh! i hold on for her can? and i'm sooo sorry for my mistake just now.

i think he was re -thinking what i said and what his reaction was before replying me in a sheepish tone with an apology. he sounded he was so Pai seh at his mistake and was kinda laughing at himself too. LoL

Me (holding laughter but can't help but giggle away) : oh, its okay, i'll put u on hold.

At the very second i press on hold, i can't help it and burst out Laughing loud!

At that point of time, my dept was in a fluster rushing to complete some stuff.
However, when i totally burst out laughing, almost all of them got stopped at their feet and looked at me as though i've suddenly gone crazy or something.

And thus i told my own dept about it and all had a short laugh before we all continued our stressing over certain matters again.

That silly guy whoever is that certainly made my day. Wahahahhahaha!!

11:46 PM

Monday, August 18, 2008


out of ultimate boredom moody-ness i was digressing with jie yin about how sucky Mondays are. Or on the whole, how Exciting utterly boring my life was. Hur..

*Warning. this post is plain nonsense. you can stop reading from this sentence onwards if you wish. but if you continue, i'm happy to say, "wow, you're just as bored too~ " hahaha! okay. not. glad to know you interested in my rantings. kaka. Hur

Below is my part of all nonsense conver with my beloved bum.

Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
damm everyday like breeze thru ..no idea like wad had been achieved
useless non-meaningful dayyss

bbfreak says:
haha ok ok ba.. u sae till lye .. .. .. .. siaz

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
okAy and so i'm moody
ya ma. like everyday sibeh no meaning
at least schh
is school at least
now $ and non other den tat ah. i cmi la like tat everyday
i will dieeeee~

bbfreak says:
den wad u wan siaz

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
a damm better job
with a damm better pay
and a damm degree
and a damm better job that do oso shiok do liao at least gt sense of achievement

bbfreak says:
all damn

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
damm lol

bbfreak says:
haha u sae de mah

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
damm.my life is dammmm boring
damm.i dunno wad i do everyday damm'

bbfreak says:
5month liao leh

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
everyday mon to fri wake up change catch bus. work home
damm weekend flies damm fast oso
damm. y sg gt so little public holidays?

bbfreak says:
Zzzzz haha

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
damm. y cant we all be rich damm

bbfreak says:

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
i still haven book my driving test
damm. i'm 21 damm
i have the most amazing friends
i am super bored now
the word seems to fit into everything
me ,this super gay now

bbfreak says:
wad e .. ..i DunnO wad to sae haha

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
easy just say
damm see. it fits into everything
damm. i should blog bout this

bbfreak says:

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
hahaha japs are hard to understand sometimes
i called and she told me the person was on anthoer line
but i hear like all the word join
i was like heh??? have to ask to repeat den can LOL

bbfreak says:

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
damm see how the word goes with everything
lol dammm

bbfreak says:
u oso damn haha

wow. Jie yin learns fast. hahahahaha!

bbfreak says:
eh next month go whr?monthly outing
juz on case nv go chinese garden
was tinking goin zoo ..years nv go liao
i wanna take pics wif snake siaz
haha u can join me too take together

(F) Blur Queen (F) Because. forgetting is never easy. says:
dammm. you and yr snakes.

bbfreak says:

see. i got a cuckoo clock that reports time to me lei =D

damm. end of my random damm post. and i'm waiting for the damm monday to pass.and i damm well can't wait to meet up with the rest again. Hur.
and damm. i'm going to take time off to update bout our www outing etc, and then damm well everyone can stop telling me i never damm well blog about it. damm. it goes with everything. hahahhahahahahah!

3:25 PM

Sunday, August 10, 2008


met up with gale, jh, dl in town yesterday =D
they are looking so much better now they are more tanned and all. weet.
Looking more manly liao!
army daze.

the main purpose of their trip out today was to get PSP and HP.
Everyone's shopping except me. :(
but, i had my good food though. wahahaha!
gale and dl got their PSP, now i also feel like getting it also.
jh got the hp for his mom, (so filial okay. hahas) the phone which i said like i wanted when it first came out. lol.
but i'm still stuck with my lao kok kok Samsung phone till now. Hur.
waiting for them to send me my voucher since my plan is like ending,quite soon. weet.
*looking forward to getting a new phone. weee~

~die. i am getting addicted to spreeing online. cheap ma. and the stuff are pretty ma.
but main reason i think cos cheap and worth it lei. haha.
i can't wait for my sprees to arrive. teehee!
cheappp cheappp chip chippp chipp chirp chirrp!
gale loves my new word. she can't stop going "chip" at me. wahahhahaha!


Last Saturday was semi destroyed. However..
Saved by my dear =D
Met up with Teeyan. although it was just a short while. But.was an eventful one.teehee! Both of us shopped pretty much last min. as in really last minute when the shops were closing. weet.
i heart shopping with teeyan! =D

i heart this girl.
She came and met me despite being with her other friends.
She saved my Saturday! =D
Blurness of photos has its own prettiness. hur.

* sorry dear. not that i don't want to accompany you for check up this week. There's lots of stuff for me to follow up lately Due to Japan's summer holidays. If i don't do it, no one else will prolly follow up for me. And i'll get the main brunt of it if datelines are not met.
i can't wait for our next meetup. teehee!
i miss the days we chilled at the beach. so "romantic" lol.
one day go there again kays? =D

9:54 PM

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sprained ankle

i sprained my ankle yet again.
Second time this year.
damm. :(

lucky it's just a light sprain. still can walk. heh.
area dark ma. didn't see got curb when i got off friend's bike, missed my footing lo, and on the ground i went.
i am so clumsy! lol

Happy national day Singaporeans! wee~

1:42 PM

Friday, August 08, 2008


was blog surfing, and was reading a friend's blog who mentioned about visiting Shimin at CCK Columbarium. That set me reminiscing about the past too.

i remember Shimin as a happy-go-lucky girl. Although i do not know her personally very well, but she was nice and sweet. We would always bump into each other in school, and there will always be a nod of acknowledgment regardless.

Our batch was a relatively small batch with only six classes. So it was almost like everyone knew each other. She had graduated while we were still in Sec 5. I recall the day when news came that she gave up on life and took the plunge. It shocked everyone of us. And lessons were interrupted as teachers and students recalled about her. It was a heart-wrenching piece of news.
She was missed and will be in years to come. As groups of friends who knew her were planning to see her off, i never made it for some reason which i can't recall now.

Shall stop here. In short, She will be remembered and missed.
i may not know her that well, but she's someone whom i did thought of over the years.
God bless her soul.

2:25 PM

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Caught "The Mummy- Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" with family today.
(weet. that means mom pays!*grins*)

On the whole, the movie was Ok. On the other hand, the story line was nothing all so amazing i would say. It was pretty similar to the previous 'mummies'.
There would be some curse or what not, and it got "activated" and brings the mummies to life. And the O'connells, now 3 of them, including the brother and the crazy air flyer guy will save the day.

In the end, the brother, Johnathan will make off with some valuable he managed to retrieve and he decides to head off to Peru.
And it goes to show, there will be another of such movie coming up yet again. For an on-screen caption reveals that mummies were discovered in Peru soon after.

I wonder how many of the similar story line movies are they going to come up with more. Now that there's the next generation couple, the O'Connell's son Alex and his Chinese thousands year old just back to mortal girlfriend. Hur.

Back to topic.
As i stated in the header, i suppose i did something that looked unglamorous today.
I was on the way off after work to meet my family to catch the movie. However, it started to rain really heavily before i left my office building. And i was wearing jeans. damm.
if i were going home, and the jeans get really wet, it wouldn't be much of a problem since i'm heading home. But i wasn't!Going to catch a movie some more. i can't afford to have a pair of wet jeans in the cinemas. If so, i'll probably end becoming frozen like a mummy instead of watching the mummy. haha.

And so, i rolled up my jeans just before i stepped into the rain with an umbrella which looks like won't be much help keeping me totally dry. I didn't really rolled it up properly, just as long it looked okay and i was off, hurrying to catch the bus. Just nice reached the bus stop the bus came and on i got.

So i was on the bus, i took tissues and dried myself. and unrolled my pants.
look unglam meh? no right? was quite drenched despite having an umbrella. hair also wet. got air-con, cold lei.

Then the following stop, passengers got off. means that there was seats at the side. (a double decker bus, at the first floor, in between the two doors there's a seat horizontal one)
there was still one guy sitting at the rear end. the one near the back exit. And so i went to sit near the front rear end.

Guess what. That guy literally IMMEDIATELY got up and stood at the standing area where i just was.
Damn it. I wasn't sitting beside him literally next, it was still considered a seat away. i got look so unglam doing drying myself and unrolling my jeans till he don't want to sit near me meh!!!
Hahahahaha!. okay. i don't know if he got up cos he want to look outside the scenery(which was what he did after he went to the standing area) or cos he don't want to sit near me. lol
IT just happened he got up the same time i sat down! He got off the next stop soon after. But it was a distance away lei. need to stand up like so early meh. Bum.

Oh well. don't care. hahahaha! Ben xiao jie wants to be dry when i get to the movies. And hor, got other people also roll up pants in the middle of the streets lo! i saw!
ok. yes huda, i think u'll go. "gay la u" .
wahahhaha! :P

12:42 AM

Sunday, August 03, 2008


OH boy. its August already!! so fast.
i shall leave updates for later (when i get about to doing it. hur)
As for now, i'm doing an up to date post. like finally? since i appeared to be just doing back dated updating a lot lately.lol

i'm in a DIY frenzy lately. and i intend on revamping my room's look. and i am getting started on that. =D
oh. And on top of that, i believe my room is looking more like a room now. =D
i finally did get my butt moving to clear my world war 6 looking room. lol

was bored and blog surfing, and i decided to check my old blog entries. i can't remember what kind of nonsense did i wrote before.

i was like..OMG. it looks so so nonsense. and i write like this as though i'm sms-ing with lots of short forms. And i had colours (because my old blog skin was black and i supposed it looked nice to me at that point of time to have rainbow coloured words. However, i couldn't stand it and "recoloured" it to the classic black to fit into this light background.) lol.

ok. i'm digressing. As i was saying, i'm in a DIY frenzy lately, wanting to revamp the look of my stuff and here's One of the things i was up to.tada~ it isn't completed, just in the beginning stages.
nice?? teehee

My room is looking so much more neater and all. However, due to my DIY madness, here's what it looks like when i do DIY. Hur.

i am such a messy person.

That's it for my DIY update for now.

i received a sms from Jie Yin early this morning. it reads something like " i saved a rubbish bin today! hahaha!"
well, since we always talked nonsense all the time, i thought it was that she was trying to start some nonsensical topic with me. hahaha! As it was early in the morning i don't remember what time though, i read it and just went back to sleep regardless till i don't know what time. i slept at like 6AM maAfter which, i totally forgot about it regardless.
Till she came online and chatted with me and bringing it up out of the blue.
For the record, here's the conversation because i lazy to re-phrase, retype it.lol

*bb freak=Jie yin. Blur queen(needless to say)=me*

Bb FrEaK... says:
i 2dae save a ruBbish bin leh
i bo liao

Blur Queen .Beyond the facade. Like a fallen angel. says:
a bin ??? huh???

Bb FrEaK... says:
2dae aft my practical
i go take e bus
saw smoke e cuming out of a bin
den i juz walk pass it lor
den e smoke e lye heavier
den i juz turn back
use my water bottle de water to save it
n e bus stop ppl was look in at me

Awww. come on. give her some claps. she was civil minded and considerate.

i just realized she typed 'coming' in the "singlish" way of spelling stuff according to the way word sounds. but i better advise her to revamp that word "cuming"
Imagine like if i were to ask her this..
example, a scenario (made up of cos)
when we're in the office msn-ing away, and she tells me her boss is around and it is not very convenient to use messenger Duh. because it isn't nice to let your boss see you chatting away!
It would sound like this.

Her: OH! my boss is cuming! busy now. ttyl.

Sounds so X-Rated can. wahahahahhahaha!

ok. back to the bin thing.

Bb FrEaK... says:
my mum sae i bo liao
nth to do
go save ruBbish bin
wah lau
at least
i save a bin mah
e bus stop de ppl dun even bother
bin everybody oso got use de mah

moms. we do something additional. they say why we so kaypo.
no wonder kids nowadays are so heck care bout everything. haha! okays. not related, i'm not saying that moms are bad or something. Just a random comment with no meaning of harm. teehee

Blur Queen .Beyond the facade. Like a fallen angel. says:
save de goverMent $

Bb FrEaK... says:
u dare saeu nv use public de bin de

eh! where did that come from? Not related lei! u save burning bin and me using a bin gt relation meh??? hahaha!

Blur Queen .Beyond the facade. Like a fallen angel. says:
whu doesnt
those whu doesnt use it ARE confirmed litter bugs haha

Bb FrEaK... says:
u lor

what? now i'm a litter bug?? i thought the topic was on save the bin? lol

Blur Queen .Beyond the facade. Like a fallen angel. says:
i'm a considerate good citizen. haha
*grins widely

Bb FrEaK... says:
in wad way

Blur Queen .Beyond the facade. Like a fallen angel. says:
i throw litter in bins.

and then the conversation turned 360 degrees. hahaha! that probably shows how rubbish the way we talk sometimes. no relation, and always accusing each other, although this small part of the conversation only shows her doing that to me.hahahah!
This one sentence of the next topic sounded so not right. As you would see why.

Bb FrEaK... says:
How ur diy cumin along

i suppose i do not need to eleborate further on that. sounds so x-rated la! hahaha! she is so going to kill me when she reads this here.
wahahahhahahah! *evil grins*
okays, gay. ^-^ i know. haha!

9:48 PM